The WBL experience foresees two phases aimed at improving the professional capabilities of VET educators from partner organizations located in Kenya and Somalia. The first phase consists of the implementation by the European partners of a virtual learning aimed at showing to 20 educators from the Horn of Africa (5 from each partner organization) how to implement the digital competences and educational methodologies best practices identified in the previous tasks. The virtual learning will have a duration of 30 hours for a period of 3 months.

The second phase involves the implementation of mobility of 20 African educators from the partner organizations in the VET centers of the European partners. During this experience, the VET educators will learn from their European counterparts how to practically transfer the best practices in climate-smart agriculture and agripreneurship identified in the task 2.3. The mobility will last 40 hours over a two-weeks period.

Educators from African partner organizations directly involved in the workbased learning experience will subsequently organize educational sessions with at least 5 educators from their own organization to transmit the skills and knowledge acquired.